Thursday, April 10, 2008

Awesome March

The numbers are in for March, and Legends Of America saw over 480, 000 unique visitors stop by. According to Awstats, here's the breakdown

Reported period Month Mar 2008
First visit 01 Mar 2008 - 00:00
Last visit 31 Mar 2008 - 23:59

Unique visitorsNumber of visitsPagesHits
Traffic viewed *480546
(1.34 visits/visitor)
(2.58 Pages/Visit)
(55.97 Hits/Visit)

So what were you reading about in March? Well, for the most part, Jesse James continued to have a strong hold, mainly due to the release of the DVD "The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford". The Top 10 search phrases (out of over 247,000) that brought visitors to Kathy's website were:

jesse james2.2 %
route 662 %
robert ford0.8 %
la llorona0.7 %
doc holliday0.5 %
doc holiday0.5 %
geronimo0.4 %
wyatt earp0.3 %
harriet tubman0.3 %
calamity jane0.3 %

Besides the main page and search results, the Top Ten pages visited were:


We're working on getting stats from last year for a comparison, but due to the server move in February it's taking a while. We have the data, it's just that it's on Kathy's computer. And getting Kathy to relinquish her computer long enough for me to get the data off is a challenge. She works on the premise that no matter what's wrong with her computer, or what's needed, there's never time to stop updating stories, restoring photos, and answering emails. Now, you might wonder why I don't just do it while she's taking her daily power nap, or in the middle of the night while she's sawing logs. That's because she never closes any of her work, and if I just happen to reboot I'm afraid I'll be sleeping on the couch for a week. So, I've resigned myself to the fact that there must be a distraction that will prompt her to let me do my techy stuff.

That distraction will come soon enough as Kathy meets me out in Las Vegas next week while I'm on a business trip, and we take a few days to travel through parts of Utah on another adventure. She has to turn off that damn laptop to travel, and I'm sure I can get access to the data from the hotel room before she starts her day. It's going to be a fun trip to Utah, and one that will produce several blogs here for sure ;).

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